Explore the archipelago on your own

If you have previous kayak experience we strongly recommend you a self guided tour where you will get the possibility to discover our beautiful archipelago on your own. We will be happy to provide you with kayak and equipment from our  kayak centers in Grönemad, Grebbestad & Ekenäs, Sydkoster in Koster marine national park, please have a look at our directions

If you don’t have previous experience we recommend a guided day tour or camping tour and if you need to update your skills you can start with a kayak intro tour or more advanced course. If you plan to go kayaking with your children or grandchildren we have guided family tours.

We have maps you can borrow or purchase at our main center i Grönemad, Grebbestad. You can also download maps from lantmateriet and Eniro.

When you rent a kayak from Skärgårdsidyllen, you also have the possibility to test/borrow a tent from Swedemount for free. The only catch is that you will have to respect the rules of public access and take a picture of your self with the tent and let us publish on our site and social media as part of our sponsor agreement. We recommend only having the tents up between 6pm and 9 am. This is a rule in Kosterhavets marine Nationa park. Here is a great brochure with the essential paddling tips for canoists. Here is also information about lighting fires in nature.

So once you have viewed the movie and read the brochure, test your knowledge with the public access quiz 

In our area there are a lot of beautiful islands and sherries around our main center in Grönemad, Grebbestad as well as our pickup points at Ekenäs, Sydkoster. If it is difficult to choose which archipelago to paddle, it is possible to paddle between the centers during a couple of days and enjoy all if the weather permits alternatively book a few days from each center.

Here are a few tours we recommend: Grebbestad day tour, Grebbestad & Fjällbacka 3-5 days, Grebbestad & Koster 3-6 days, Kayaking in Koster National park or be inspired by one of our guests writing about going to Koster and back in 5 days.

In the following links you will get tips and suggestions about nice islands and skerries  you should experience, suggestions on tent sitesoutdoor toilets and what to do if there are no toilets. We also have a non-profit organisation called Hållbar skärgård that has created outdoor toilets, infrastructure and maps for an sustainable tourism in our archipelago. Please contact us if you would like to know more, get involved or support us. When you are staying in the archipelago it is of great importance that you respect the bird/seal protection areas, protected areas and the Right of Public Access. There are special regulations for the natural reservoir as Väderöarna and Kosterhavet National Park among others.

Bring extra water and food if the weather makes you stay out longer than planned and an extra set of clothes and mobile in a dry bag in case you get wet.  Here is also a suggestion of outdoor meals and packlist with things to bring. We can help you with boat taxi and kayak transportFinally we will recommend you to have a look at some of  our inspirational movies and articles.

Book & pay online

We also offer the possibility to book and pay offline via bank transfer.