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If you are happy with your experience please leave a review on TripAdvisor, Google, Facebook, The Swedish Canoe Federation. You will find some reviews below. If you have suggestions on how we can improve please contact us and help us help you better in the future.


star rating  Vinterkajakpaddling på sitt bästa - Det var en cloudcast och fortfarande februari middag. Vi var en liten grupp kajakare som paddlade i Grebbestads skärgård. Havet var lugnt, inga motorbåtar eller båtar i sikte. Guiderna var... read more

avatar thumb allikmartin
5 June, 2019


It was a fantastic experience and one of the highlights of our trip! Ingela was very knowledgable and friendly and the islands are stunning! I would certainly recommend it!!

Lisa Plank Avatar Lisa Plank


positive review  Haft en helt fantastisk upplevelse i kväll. Det fina vädret var förstås ett extra plus.

Maria Jarenfors Avatar Maria Jarenfors
1 June, 2016